Journal of Human Environment and Health Promotion- Appeals and Complaints
Appeals and Complaints

Clear images and colors  | Post date: 2024/04/9 | 
We strive to maintain a high standard of quality and transparency in our publication process. If you need to submit a complaint or an appeal, please follow the guidelines outlined below:

Complaint Submission:
  • Prepare a detailed description of your complaint, clearly stating the issue(s) you wish to address.
  • Include relevant supporting documents such as manuscripts, correspondence, or any other evidence related to your complaint.
  • Address your complaint to the Editor-in-Chief and send it to the following email address:
  • Use "Complaint Submission" as the subject line of your email for easy identification.
  • Please ensure that your complaint adheres to ethical guidelines, is respectful in tone, and focuses on specific concerns related to the publication process.
Appeal Submission:
  • If you wish to appeal a decision made by the JHEHP editorial team, carefully review the reasons for rejection or any other decision provided to you.
  • prepare a clear and concise appeal letter, addressing each point raised by the editorial team in a respectful manner.
  • Include any additional information, data, or arguments that support your appeal.
  • Address your appeal to the Editor-in-Chief of JHEHP and send it to the abovementioned email address:
  • Use "Appeal Submission" as the subject line of your email for easy identification.
Response and Resolutions:
  • After receiving your appeal or complaint, the JHEHP editorial team will acknowledge the receipt of your email within a reasonable timeframe.
  • The team will thoroughly review the provided information and investigate the matter objectively.
  • A response regarding the outcome of the investigation will be sent to you via email within a reasonable timeframe.
  • The decision made by the JHEHP editorial team regarding your complaint or appeal will be final.

Please note that submitting a complaint or an appeal should be considered a serious step and should only be undertaken if you believe there are significant issues with the published content or the editorial process.
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