Submission Instruction:

1. Submission: Papers submitted for publication should describe original work, not previously published elsewhere, totally or partly. Manuscripts must be submitted only in English and should be written according to sound grammar and proper terminology. Submission is only acceptable via an online peer review system that allows authors to submit manuscripts and track their progress via a web interface. 

    Important: Please check whether you already have an account in the system before trying to create a new one. If you have reviewed or authored for the journal in the past you will likely have had an account created.
Language and style: Manuscripts must be in English and Microsoft Word format (.doc/.docx). The manuscript (including references, and figure legends) must be double-spaced typed between lines, using 12-point Times New Roman font, 3.5 cm margins, and left justification. Each line and page of the manuscript must be numbered.

Cover letter: The manuscript must be accompanied by a cover letter to the editor-in-chief, undertaking that the manuscript has not been previously published or submitted for publication in other journals. Also, conflicts of interest should be declared obviously in the cover letter.

   Title page: The title page should contain the title of the manuscript, name(s), and affiliation(s) of the author(s), as well as the postal address, postal code, tel, and e-mail of the corresponding author.

Original Article:

    The manuscript should include the following sections: Title; Running title; Abstract; Keywords; Introduction; Materials and Methods; Results and Discussion; Conclusion; Authors’ Contributions;  Funding; Conflict of Interest; Acknowledgement; Ethical Considerations; Using of artificial intelligence and References. (No more than 5000 words without abstract and references).

      AbstractThe abstract (no more than 200 words) should be structured providing Background, Methods, Results, and Conclusion.

   Keywords: Keywords are used for indexing purposes. Each manuscript should provide 1 to 6 keywords according to the Medical Subject Headings, MESH (  

    Running title: The running title should not exceed 70 characters. 

:  The introduction section of a research study should establish the background and specify the research objective. It is crucial to emphasize the purpose and rationale for the study while avoiding an extensive review of the subject matter or the inclusion of data or conclusions.

  Materials and Methods:
The materials and methods should provide a detailed description of the steps taken to acquire the information.  Repetition of standard techniques should be avoided. The software used for statistical analysis and a description of the actual method should be mentioned. To improve readability, this section should include subtitles formatted in italics.

Clinical trial registration: The International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) defines a clinical trial as any research study that assigns human participants or groups of humans to one or more health-related interventions to evaluate the effects on health outcomes. Authors of clinical trial studies are required to register their trials with one of the ICMJE-recognized trial registries. The materials and methods section should include the clinical trial registration number and the name of the registry. All Iranian clinical trials must be registered in the Iranian Registry of Clinical Trials ( to be considered for publication. The clinical trials that have been registered in any registration site approved by WHO, could be considered for publication. The WHO-approved registration site approved is as follows:
- http://

    Results and Discussion:  The results section should present the findings chronologically in the text, table, and figure. The results should not be obtained from external sources. Tables and illustrations should be cited in the order they appear in the text using Arabic numerals. The discussion section should emphasize the new and important aspects of the study and provide possible explanations for the findings.

    Conclusion: In this section, the overall conclusion of the author(s) from the research, the limitation of the work, and the implications of the findings for future research should be noted.

    Authors’ Contributions: The authors' names should be listed in the article in the order of their contribution to the work, and each author should take responsibility for their contributions. Only individuals who have made a substantive contribution should be listed as authors. Those whose contributions are indirect or marginal, such as colleagues or supervisors who have reviewed drafts of the work or provided proofreading assistance, and heads of research institutes/centers/labs, should be named in an "Acknowledgments" section. The corresponding author is responsible for ensuring that all appropriate co-authors are included in the article and that no inappropriate co-authors are listed. Additionally, all listed co-authors must have seen and approved the final version of the work and agreed to its publication. For further information, please refer to the Authors’ Contributions section on the "Editorial Policies and
 Ethical Consideration" page.

All sources of funding for the study should be disclosed. Indicate grants that you have received in support of your research work and if you received funds to cover publication costs. Note that some funders will not refund article processing charges (APC) if the funder and grant number are not clearly and correctly identified in the paper. Authors are responsible for the accuracy of their funder designation. If in doubt, please check the Open Funder Registry for the correct nomenclature ( funding agency should be written out in full, followed by the grant number in square brackets, see the following example:

  • This work was funded by the Medical Research Council [grant number xxx].
Multiple grant numbers should be separated by comma and space. Where the research was supported by more than one agency, the different agencies should be separated by semi-colon, with “and” before the final funder. Thus:
  • This work was supported by the Trust [grant numbers xxxx, yyyy]; the Natural Environment Research Council [grant number zzzz]; and the Economic and Social Research Council [grant number aaaa].
In some cases, research is not funded by a specific project grant, but rather from the block grant and other resources available to a university, college, or other research institution. Where no specific funding has been provided for the research we ask that corresponding authors use the following sentence:
  • This research received no external funding.

    Conflict of Interest: Submitting a manuscript must be accompanied by a statement from the authors disclosing all financial and personnel relationships that could potentially bias their work, if any. Besides, they are requested to specify whether any conflicts of interest exist or not. This statement should be provided on a separate page and any further details may be mentioned in the cover letter. Please read the Conflict of Interest section on the "Editorial Policies and Ethical Consideration" page for more information.

    Acknowledgment: The acknowledges section is where the authors can acknowledge any support given that is not covered by the author's contribution or funding sections. This may include administrative and technical support, or donations in kind (e.g., materials used for experiments).
     Ethical Considerations: The ethical principles observed in the article encompass several key considerations such as the informed consent of the participants, the confidentiality of the information, the permission of the participants to cancel their participation in the research, the code of ethics received from the ethics committee of the universities, and the code of project should be written as follows:

  • All ethical principles are considered in this article. The participants were informed of the purpose of the research and its implementation stages. They were also assured of the confidentiality of their information. Participants had the freedom to withdraw from the study at any time, and if desired, the research results would be made available to them. Written consent was obtained from all participants. 
  • This study was approved by the Ethics Committee of the University of (xxxx) (Code: xxx).
  • There were no ethical considerations to be considered in this research.

    References: Authors are advised to ensure that their references adhere to the guidelines of the American Psychological Association (APA) Style the 7th edition. You can download the APA style version 7 from here.

Article:  Ashing‐Giwa, K. T., Padilla, G., Tejero, J., Kraemer, J., Wright, K., Coscarelli, A., Clayton, S., Williams, I., & Hills, D. (2004). Understanding the breast cancer experience of women: A qualitative study of African American, Asian American, Latina and Caucasian cancer survivors. Psycho‐Oncology13(6), 408-428. 

Book: Sapolsky, R. M. (2017). Behave: The biology of humans at our best and worst. Penguin Books.

Book Chapters with Editor(s): McCormack, B., McCance, T., & Maben, J. (2013). Outcome evaluation in the development of person-centered practice. In B. McCormack, K. Manley, & A. Titchen (Eds.), Practice development in nursing and healthcare (pp. 190-211). John Wiley & Sons.

Web Page: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (n.d.). Preventing HPV-associated cancers

Conference Proceedings: Duckworth, A. L., Quirk, A., Gallop, R., Hoyle, R. H., Kelly, D. R., & Matthews, M. D. (2019). Cognitive and noncognitive predictors of success. Proceedings of the National Academy of SciencesUSA116(47), 23499–23504.

Dissertation or Thesis: Valentin, E. R. (2019, Summer). Narcissism predicted by Snapchat selfie sharing, filter usage, and editing [Master's thesis, California State University Dominguez Hills]. CSU ScholarWorks.

In-text citations: 
1 Author: (Abrams, 2018)
2 Authors: (Wegener & Petty, 1994)
3 or More Authors: (Harris et al., 2018)

•    Data Tables should be submitted in Microsoft Word table format and not as photographs.
•    Each table should include a title/caption that is explanatory concerning the details discussed in the table. Other explanatory matters (detailed legends) should be inserted in the footnotes and not in the heading.
•    The table number in bold font (i.e. Table 1) should follow the title. The title should be in small case with the first letter in caps. 
•    Tables should be embedded in the text exactly according to their appropriate placement in the submitted manuscript.
•    Columns and rows of data should be made visibly distinct by ensuring that the borders of each cell are displayed as black lines.
•    Tables should be numbered in order of their citation in the body of the text.
•    If a reference is cited in both the table and text, please insert a lettered footnote in the table to refer to the numbered reference in the text.
•    Tabular data provided as additional files can be submitted as an Excel spreadsheet.

All authors must strictly follow the guidelines below for preparing illustrations for publication in JHEHP. If the figures are sub-standard, the manuscripts may be rejected.
Authors are expected to submit high-quality figure(s) in MS Word, TIFF, or JPEG formats. If necessary, the figures should be improved by the authors themselves or by professional graphic designers from their organization or country. 
Guideline for Figures/Illustrations: 
•    Illustrations should be embedded in the text file and numbered consecutively in the order of their appearance. Each figure should include only a single illustration, which should be cropped to minimize the amount of space occupied by the illustration.
•    If a figure is in separate parts, all parts of the figure must be provided in a single composite illustration file.
•    Photographs should be provided with a scale bar if appropriate, as well as high-resolution component files.
  • Line art image type should be in TIFF, PNG, or JPEG format, with the color mode being Monochrome 1-bit or RGB, in a resolution of 900-1200 dpi.
  • Halftone image type should be in TIFF format, with color mode being RGB or Grayscale, in a resolution of 300 dpi.
  • The combination image type should be in TIFF format, with the color mode being RGB or Grayscale, in a resolution of 500-900 dpi.
  • Illustrations may be submitted in PNG (preferred format for photos or images), Microsoft Word (version 5 and above), TIFF, or JPEG.
  • For TIFF figures with considerably large file sizes, it is advisable to restrict the file size in online submissions. Authors may convert to JPEG format before submission to reduce file size and upload time while retaining acceptable quality.
Technical requirements for graphic/ figure submissions:
  • The width should be 8.5 inches or 7791 pixels, and the height should be 11 inches or 4724 pixels, with a minimum resolution of 300 pixels/inch.
  • All figures should be in vector scale.
  • The number of tables/figures (in total) should not exceed 7. The same data should not be presented in tables, figures, and text simultaneously. 
  • Each figure, table, and bibliographic entry must have a reference in the text. 
    Abbreviation: Abbreviations that are unavoidable in the abstract must be defined at first mention there. Also, abbreviations should be explained throughout the manuscript to ensure clarity for readers.

Review article
    It should be prepared according to one of the following:
   - Systematic reviews and meta-analyses: A systematic review is a review of a formulated question that uses systematic and explicit methods to identify, select, and critically appraise relevant research, and to collect and analyze data from the studies that are included in the review. Statistical methods (meta-analysis) may or may not be used to analyze and summarize the results of the included studies. Meta-analysis refers to the use of statistical techniques in a systematic review to integrate the results of included studies. These manuscripts should contain 2500- 7000 words. The number of references and figures/tables is within limits: 50 references, 7 tables, and figures combined. In order to improve the article's quality, JHEHP encourages authors to use PRISMA guidelines (

   - Non-systematic reviews: This kind of manuscript should be written by researchers who are experts in the related field. Different parts of such articles include an abstract (with no structure), introduction, discussion, and conclusion. They should contain the range of 3000 - 10000 words including the references and captions. The number of references and figures/tables is within limits: 60 references, 8 tables, and figures combined.
Short communication
    These articles are like those of the original ones except that these are smaller and prepared in a minimum of 1500 and maximum of 3000 words. The number of references is within the limit: of 20 references.

Letter to the editor
    It should be about criticism of previous articles in this journal or others, criticism or review of books, and analysis of a related topic within the scope and focus of the journal. These manuscripts need no structure.

Case report
    This kind of manuscript should include abstract, keywords, introduction, case report, discussion, conclusion, conflicts of interest, acknowledgment, and references. Case reports should have 1500- 2500 words. The title should include the words case report as well as a description of the reported phenomenon (e.g., reporting of new and rare food-borne pathogens). In order to improve the quality of these papers, JHEHP encourages authors to use  CARE case report guidelines (

    These manuscripts need no structure and have no abstract. But, the total word number should be a maximum of 2000 including references and the references should not exceed more than 10.
Book review
    In this type of manuscript, a newly published internationally and valuable book regarding the scope of the journal is introduced in a maximum of 1000 words. These manuscripts need no structure and are abstract.
2. Revision: Manuscripts may be returned to the corresponding author for modification of the scientific content and/or for language corrections. A revised manuscript and a letter listing point-for-point responses to the reviewers must be submitted to the editor and must be accompanied by a copy of the original version. Suggestions by the editor about resubmission do not imply that a revised version will necessarily be accepted. If a manuscript that is returned to the authors for modification is not resubmitted within two months it will be regarded as having been withdrawn and any revised version received subsequently will be treated as a new manuscript and the date of receipt will be altered accordingly. Authors who resubmit a manuscript that has previously been rejected must provide the original manuscript and a letter explaining in detail how the manuscript has been modified.

3. Proofs: A computer printout will be sent to the corresponding author to be checked for only typographical errors and other essential small changes before publication to avoid any mistakes. Major alternations to the text cannot be accepted at this stage. Proofs must be returned to the editor within 7 days of receipt.
4. Ethics: The relevant ethics committee/institution review boards of the respective institutions must approve the study. Please read the Editorial Policies and Ethical Consideration section before starting. Also, the Authors Agreement Form should be filled and signed by all authors, and then scanned and emailed by the corresponding author to the journal office ( or
5. The outcome of the study: The authors are appealed to provide a declaration that have full access to all the data in the study and take complete responsibility for the integrity of the data and the accuracy of the data analysis.
6. Article Publication Charge (APC): There is no article publication charge for publication in this journal.
7. English language editing: English language editing will be done by experts/editors. However manuscript must be of good quality English at the time of submission, otherwise, it will be rejected at the initial stage. The English language editing will be done free of cost. We have taken this step to help the authors who do not bear the cost of English language editing.
8. Disposal of material: Once published, all copies of the manuscript, correspondence, and artwork will be held for 6 months before disposal.
    The Editorial Board of the journal reserves the right to accept or reject the manuscript at any stage and at any time or delete a part of the text, tables, or figures, if necessary.
9. Using of artificial intelligence: In manuscript submission, authors are required to indicate whether their research utilizes any artificial intelligence (AI) techniques. If so, they must specify the version of the AI model or algorithm employed and the particular stage(s) of the research process in which it was applied.


The following requirements should be observed if a preprint is available:

  1. The link to the website where the preprint has been published. 
  2. The DOI code should also be provided.

Keywords: Risk | Water | Safety | Pollution | Contamination | Noise | Workplace | Soil | Occupational | Wastewater | Food | Heavy Metals | Health Promotion & Education | Assessment | Public Health | Environmental Health | Air |

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